Here begins your real education in the annihilation of gaps. You may have gleaned from Annihilating Gaps 101 and other sources some slight understanding of what annihilating gaps is all about. To learn more, read on, as Gomez the Kosmonaut - Annihilator of Gaps gives a personal insight into the art of Gap Annihilation. Also, await the culural origins of gap annihilation lesson, coming soon.

Welcome Komrades! Gap Annihilation has come a long way in recent times since I invented the art in my kitchen. That's right, my kitchen! The genesis of this wondrous pursuit occurred when an item of food slipped down a gap betwixt the bench on which food preparation was taking place and the oven on which the food was being heated. This happening was intolerable to one so commanding as I so I leapt forward and with a single poetic and gargantuan effort I moved the oven across so that the gap was filled. "HAHA!" I cried, "That gap has been annihilated! From this day forth I shall be known as 'Gomez, Annihilator of Gaps'!" This is how it began.
Since these days, gap annihilation has changed remarkably. Scientific research has created special idealized laboratory conditions where the limits of gap annihilation can be explored.

However, nothing compares with hunting real gaps out in the wild. Wild gaps can be found in many different forms and sizes. Many people, ignorant of the complexities of real gap annihilation technology, presume that once you have annihilated one gap, you have, so to speak, annihilated them all. This is far from the case. Each gap has its own dimensions, and due to its perimeter greater or lesser resistance across that dimension. The photo below shows the annihilation of a large sized gap with relatively resistant end perimeter.

This does not necessarily make this gap harder to annihilate than a smaller gap such as the one below, which may have extreme resistance due to its own internal vacuosity.

Basically, one who wishes to annihilate gaps, great and small, must devote much time and study to overcoming their own internal vacuosity. By succeeding in this, the devotee may overcome the warp in the space time continuum plaguing many gaps by establishing an internal force. This internal force allows them to enslave the space time continuum itself, and thus be liberated unto the annihilation of gaps. Understandably, this is a long and arduous process, meaning that, like Yoda of the Jedi, masters of gap annihilation may appear quite innocuous. Often they are small withered looking creatures such as the one below.

This intense personal development has no little consequence for the identity of the individual. Often gap annihilators become reclusive, their focus demanding that they shun encounters with gap fillers, whose high levels of internal vacuosity may by a sickening osmosis invade the gap annihilator. Gap annihilators have also been known
to undertake a process of Schizophrenic Holistic Identity Transfer. S.H.I.T., as this is known for short, enables the gap annihilator to shed their former identity and all its residue of internal vacuosity like a chrysalis and appear as some new-born winged daemon with unprecedented internal force. The great masters often have numerous alternative identities by which they may establish their dynamism. Below we see Gomez the Kosmonaut inside the gap that exists between himself and his transformation into The Mysterious Raoul de Sousa.

Armed with this knowledge, you may now embark upon your own journey into the strange and unexplored realm of gap annihilation. Important in the early stages of this process is a focussed method of goal identification. Examples of a good method include openly confronting gaps in a public matter, adressing them as such and thereby beginning the internal digestion process. See below as Gomez demonstrates this activity.

Good luck and good hunting! Remember, the vacuosity of a gap is no greater than the resistance of its perimeter multiplied by its own dimensions. Given that the internal vacuosity of any individual is unlimted, and can be enlargened or diminshed by the will alone, this means that there is no gap that cannot be annihilated if the individual has undergone an appropriately sincere internal study of transformation.