In Wanaka recently a special scientific study was conducted which is specifically relevant to gap annihilation. An ever-increasing gap was set-up, and participants in the study were asked to systematically annihilate these gaps until the gap reached a level of resistance they could not master. The study produced three significant results:
1. The GGG is constant.
GGG, of course, stands for Generic Gravitational Gradient. This is a measure of the generic resistance of gaps over time, independent of the specific resistance of any individual gap. This was proved by the genius of gap annihilation himself, Mr Gomez Gonzalez, the Kosmonaut, Annihilator of Gaps. Having existed in a nexus since the last round of testing, and thus having in no way improved his gap annihilation abilities, Gomez annihilated the same resistance of gap as in the previous round of testing, thus proving the constancy of the GGG. For those new to the field of gap annihilation, the constancy of the GGG is important because it means that self-improvement by gap annihilators can be measured against gaps with known resistance. Gaps with known resistance will keep the same level of resistance over time due to the constancy of the GGG, thereby any change over time will be relevant to the annihilator rather than the gap itself.
2. Resistance is only linked to extension in a minimal way.
This was proved by T-Rex, Annihilator of Footholds. By annihilating a gap of the same resistance as those with much greater extension, T-Rex proved that his distinct lack of extension cannot be used as an excuse in the failure to annihilate gaps. While it is accepted that T-Rex holds mastery over gap annihilation, his equalling of the resistance of much more extended annihilators prooves that intensive reflection upon internal vacuosity can yield an internal consistency to match even the most resistant gaps.
3. Canadians are full of hot air.
This need not be explained as it is self-evident.

End of Study.